Computer Science/Data Structure

[Data Structure] Graph

LeeJaeJun 2023. 12. 26. 23:09


  • A collection of nodes and arcs to represent a structure
    • Objects: A finite set of nodes (or vertices ,points)
    • Relationship: A finite set of arcs (or edges, links)
  • Formally, a graph is denoted by G = (V,E).
    • V: a set of vertices
    • E: a set of edges, a set of 2-elements of V
  • In general, a graph may have parallel edgesand self loops.
  • But, Simple graph don't have parallel edges and self loops.
    • Assume that the graph is simple unless otherwise specified.
  • Edges may be associated with "weighted" values.

  • Undirected graph
    • Vertices on edges form unordered pairs.
    • The order of vertices in edges is not important.
    • (u, v) means there is an edge between u and v.
  • Directed graph (aka. digraph)
    • Edges have a direction.
    • Vertices on edges form ordered pairs.
    • The order of vertices in edge is important.
    • (u, v) means there is an edge from u to v.

undirected grpah(left), directed graph(right)

  • Degree of a vertex in undirected graphs.
    • The number of edges incident to the vertex
    • The number of edges = (sum of degree of all vertices) / 2
  • For diagraphs, there are two types: indegree and outdegree
    • indegree: the number of incoming edges incident on a vertex in a directedgraph
    • outdegree: the total number of edges emanating from that node

  • Adjacent vertex
    • A vertex u is said to be adjacent to another vertex v in G if the graph contains an edge (u, v)
  • Path from a vertex u to another vertex v in G
    • A sequence of vertices, u, v1, v2, ..., vk, v where (u, v1), (v1, v2), ... , (vk, v) are edges in G
    • Length of a path: The number of edges between u and v
    • Simple path: A path that does not have redundant edges
    • Cycle: A path where the starting and ending vertices are same.
  • Connected Graph
    • In undirected graph G, u and v are connected if there is a path from u and v.
    • if any vertex in G is connected to any other vertices, it is said that graph G is connected.
    • A graph in which a path exists between all two vertices.
    • connected component: A maximal connected subgraph
  • Complete Graph
    • A graph of which all vertices are adjavent to any other vertices.
      • Undirected graph: n(n - 1)/2 edges
      • Directed graph: n(n - 1) edges
    • Dense graph(밀집 그래프)
      • Has many edges |E|  |V|
      • 간선(변)의 수가 최대 간선의 수에 가까운 그래프
      • Represented as an adjacency matrix
    • Sparse graph(희소 그래프)
      • Has few edges |E|<<|V|^2 or |E|  |V|
      • 간선이 얼마없는 그래프
      • Represented as an adjacency list
    • Subgraph
      • Subgraph G' = (V', E') of graph G = (V, E). A graph such that 𝑽 ⊆𝑽and𝑬 ⊆𝑬
  • The complexity of graph algorithms is typically defined in tersm of Number of vertices |V|, Number of edges |E|, or both
  • Graph traversal
    • Depth first search(DFS)
    • Breadth first search(BFS)
  •  Graph represented by adjacency matrix
    • Allocate |V| X |V| matrix M.
    • M[i][j] = 1 if there is an edge between vi and vj
    • M[i][j] = 0 if there is not an edge between vi and vj

  •  Graph represented by adjacency list
    • Allocate an array called heads
    • heads[i] points to a linked list of nodes connected to vi

// GNode: It is connected from each ehad pointer.
typedef struct _GNode
	int id;
    struct _GNode* next;

// Graph: heads are GNode pointers.
typedef struct
	int num;
    GNode** heads;
} Graph;

// Create a graph.
void CreateGraph(Graph* pgraph, int num);
// Destroy a graph.
void DestroyGraph(Graph* pgraph);
// Add an undirected edge from src to dest.
void AddEgde(Graph* pgraph, int src, int dest)
// Print a graph for each vertex.
void PrintGraph(Graph* pgraph);

// Depth first search
void DFS(Graph* pgraph);
// Breadth first search
void BFS(Graph* pgraph);

void CreateGraph(Graph* pgraph, int num(
	pgraph->num = num;
    pgrap->heads = (GNode **)malloc(sizeof(GNode*)* num);
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++){
    	//Make a dummy node.
        pgraph->heads[i] = (GNode *)malloc(sizeof(GNode));
        pgraph->heads[i]->next = NULL;

void DestroyGraph(Graph* pgraph)
	for(int i = 0; i < pgraph->num; i++){
    	GNode* cur = pgraph->heads[i];
        while (cur != NULL){
        	GNode* temp = cur;
            cur = cur->next;

void AddEdge(Graph* pgraph, int src, int dest)
	GNode* newNode1, *newNode2, *cur;
    newNode1 = (GNode *)malloc(sizeof(GNode));
    newNode1->id = dest;
    newNode1->next = NULL;
    cur = pgraph->heads[src]; // Create a node for dest in src.
    while (cur->next != NULL)
    	cur = cur->next;
    cur->next = newNode1;
    newNode2 = (GNode *)malloc(sizeof(GNode));
    newNode2->id = src;
    newNode2->next = NULL;
    cur = pgraph->heads[dest]; // Create a node for src in dest.
    while (cur->next != NULL)
    	cur = cur->next;
    cur->next = newNode2;
  • Also, you can use another heads for columns like this.



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