[KATUSA] 카투사 KTA Mandatory Vocabulary(WTT, 영어시험) - 3

LeeJaeJun 2023. 12. 20. 18:42
POW Prisoner of War 전쟁포로
PSG Platoon Sergeant 부소대장
PSYOP Psychological Operations 심리작전
QTB Quarterly Training Brief 분기별 훈련보고
RECON Reconnaissance 수색, 정찰
REDCON Readiness Condition 준비태세
RELROK Releasable to Republic of Korea 한측 공개가능
ROADCON Road Condition 도로상황
ROC Drill Rehearsal of Concept Drill 훈련개념발전 예행연습
ROE Rules of Engaegment 교전규칙
SAEDA Subversion and Espionage Directed 
against the Army
미 육군 군사보안 업무
SAW Squad Automatic Weapon 분대자동화기
SHARP Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention 성범죄 대응 및 예방
SIR Serious Incident Report 주요사건보고
SITREP Situation Report 상황보고
SOFA Status of Forces Agreement 한미행정협정
SOI Signal Operating Instructions 통신운용지시
SOP Standard(Standing) Operating 
T/O&E Table of Organization and Equipment 편제장비표
TCP Traffic Control Point 교통통제소
TIS Time in Service 복무기간
TLP Troop Leading Procedures 부대지휘절차
TMP Transportation Motor Pool 수송부
TOC Tactical Operations Center 전술작전본부
TTP Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures 전술, 전기 및 절차
UBL Unit Basic Load 부대 기본휴대량
UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice 군인복무규율
UFG Ulchi Freedom Guardian 을지프리덤가디언 연습
UNC United Nations Command 유엔군 사령부
USFK United States Forces Korea 주한미군
VTC Video Teleconference 원격 화상회의
WARND(RD) Warning Order 준비명령
WATCHCON Watch Condition 정보감시태세
WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction 대량살상무기
XO Executive Officer 보자관, 선임장교

