Computer Science/Algorithm

[Algorithm] Graph traversal(DFS, BFS)

LeeJaeJun 2023. 12. 26. 23:11


  • The process of visiting each node in a graph.
  • How to visit all nodes once?
    • Depth-first search(DFS)
    • Breadth-first search(BFS)


Depth-First Search(DFS)

  • Keep moving until there is no more possible block.
  • Go back the previous step and move other unvisited block.
  • Algorithm of DFS
    1. Visit the start vertex.
    2. Visit one of unvisited vertices neighboring to the start vertex.
    3. Repeat step 2 until there is no more unvisited vertex.
    4. If there is no more unvisited vertex, go back one step and visit another unvisited vertex.
  • DFS is implemented with the stack.

void DFS(Graph* pgraph)
	Stack stack;
    bool* visited = (bool *)malloc(sizeof(bool)* pgraph->num);
    for (int i = 0; i < pgraph->num; i++)
   		visited[i] = false // Make all vertices unvisited.
    Push(&stack, 0); // Push the initial vertex;
    while (!IsSEmpty(&stack){
    	GNode* cur;
        int vtx = SPeek(&stack);
        //skip if the vertex has been visited.
        if (visited[vtx]) continue;
        	visited[vtx] = true;
         	printf("%d ", vtx);
        // Push the vertex if it has been unvisited.
        cur = pgraph->heads[vtx]->next;
        while (cur != NULL) {
            	Push(&stack, cur->id);
            cur = cur->next;



Breadth-First Search(BFS)

  • Keep moving step-by-step for all possible blocks.
  • Algorithm of BFS
    1. Visit the start vertex.
    2. Visit all unvisited vertices neighboring to the start vertex.
    3. Repeat step 2 until there is no more unvisited vertex.
  • BFS is implemented with the queue.

void BFS(Graph* pgraph)
	Queue queue;
    bool* visited = (bool *)malloc(sizeof(bool)* pgraph->num);
    for (int i = 0; i < pgraph->num; i++)
    	visited[i] = false; // Make all vertices unvisited.
     EnQueue(&queue, 0); // Enqueue the initial vertex;
     	GNode* cur;
        int vtx = QPeek(&queue);
        // Skip if the vertex has been visited.
        if (visited[vtx]) continue;
        else {
        	visited[vtx] = true;
            printf("%d ", vtx);
        // Enqueue the vertex if it has been unvisited.
        cur = pgraph->heads[vtx]->next;
        while (cur != NULL){
            	EnQueue(&queue, cur->id);
            cur = cur->next;

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