Shell sort
- Start by sorting pairs of elements far apart from each other, then reduce the gap between elements to be compared.
- Generalization of insertion sort
- Sort every k-th elements by considering k interleaved lists.
- Reduce the size of k by 1.
- This is similar to insertion sort, but considers the gap between elements.
- When the gap is one, it is same as insertion sort.
void IncInsertionSort(int* list, int first, int last, int k)
int i, j, key;
// Sort every k-th element
for (i = first + k; i < last; i = i + k)
key = list[i]; // Choose the i-th element.
// If the j-th element is greater than key.
// move to the next position with k interval.
for(j = i - k; j >= first && key < list[j]; j = j - k)
list[j + k] = list[j];
list[j + k] = key;
void ShellSort(Data* list, int n)
// Sort every k-th element by reducing from n/2 to 1.
for (int k = n / 2; k > 0; k /= 2)
// Choose the k-th element as the odd.
if ((k % 2) == 0) k++
for(int i = 0; i < k; i++)
IncInsertionSort(list, i, n, k);
- Time complexity
- Average case: 𝑂(𝑛log𝑛)
- Worst case: 𝑂(𝑛^2)
- Shell sort is not stable.
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