Computer Science/Algorithm

[Algorithm] Quick sort

LeeJaeJun 2023. 12. 26. 23:18

Quick Sort

  • Based on the divide and conquer(D&C) paradigm.
  • Overall procedure
    • Pivot selection: Pick an element, called a pivot, from the list.
      • ex) For each list, select a pivot as the left-most element.
    • Partitioning: reorder the list with the pivot.
      • The elements less than the pivot come before the pivot.
      • The elements greater than the pivot come after the pivot.
      • ex) Partitino the list into two sublists. 
    • Recursively apply the above steps to the sublists.
  • Use two variables
    • low: if L[low] is less than a pivot, move to the right element.
    • high: if L[high] is greater than a pivot, move to the left element.
    • After find the low and high, swap two elements L[low] and L[high].
    • If low and high are crossed, stop partitioning. and swap into element L[left] and L[high].
  • Assume that the left-most element is the pivot.
    • left: an starting index for a sublist that is less than a pivot.
    • right: an ending index for a sublist that is greater than a pivot.

  • Partitioning one list into two sublists.
    • All elements in the left sublist are less than the pivot.
    • All elements in the right sublist are greater than the pivot.
    for each (unsorted) partition
    set first element as pivot
      storeIndex = pivotIndex+1
      for i = pivotIndex+1 to rightmostIndex
        if ((a[i] < a[pivot]) or (equal but 50% lucky))
          swap(i, storeIndex); ++storeIndex
      swap(pivot, storeIndex-1)
int Partition(Data* list, int left, int right)
	int pivot = list[left], temp;
    int low = left + 1, high = right;
    	while (low < right && list[low] < pivot)
        	low++;	// Move low until pivot < L[low]
        while (high > left && list[high] >= pivot)
        	high--;		// Move high until pivot >= L[low]
        if (low < high)
        	// Swap list[low] and list[high]
            SWAP(list[low], list[high], temp);
        else break;
    SWAP(list[left]. list[high], temp);
    return high;	// return the pivot position.

void QuickSort(Data* list, int left, int right)
	if (left < right)
    	// The mid refers to the pivot posittion.
        int mid = Partition(list, left, right);
        // All elements are less than the pivot.
        QuickSort(list, left, mid - 1);
        // All elements are greater than the pivot.
        QuickSort(list, mid + 1, right);
  • We expect that the list will be split into two halves in an average case
    • 𝑻 (𝒏) =𝟐𝑻 (𝒏/2) +𝒄𝒏, where splitting time is cn.
    • By the master theorem, it is 𝑂(𝑛log 𝑛).
    • The time complexity of quick sort is 𝑂(𝑛log 𝑛).
  • However, the worst case is that the list will be split into 1 and n - 1.
    • T(n) = T(n - 1) + cn = T(n - 2) + 2cn = ... = T(1) + cn(n -1) = O(n^2)
    • The time complexity of quick sort is O(n^2)
    • The worse case occurs if the pivot is selected as an extremely skewed case.
      • The time complexity of quick sort mainly depends on pivot selection.

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